Impact Evaluation of the Market Ready Model

BlogMarket Ready Model Equipment Evaluation of the Impact of the Market Ready Model

In the framework of World Biodiversity Week, we celebrate the result of the collaboration between La Mano del Mono and Alterna, a leading organization in Central America in the field of impact measurement. This collaboration has allowed us to evaluate the effects of the Market Ready Model in companies dedicated to experiential and nature tourism in Mexico and Latin America, which directly influence the conservation of natural areas and community well-being.

This evaluation is considered crucial to improve the effectiveness of the Market Ready Model and guide its expansion to other tourist destinations. In recent years, La Mano del Mono has worked on the systematization and instrumentalization of impact measurement in its projects, recognizing its importance in generating significant changes.

Impact Evaluation of the Market Ready Model

Results of the First Impact Measurement Exercise

On May 9, 2023, the results of the first impact measurement exercise conducted by Alterna and La Mano del Mono were presented. This evaluation was carried out in companies participating in the Sustainable Destinations and Market Ready Cultures in destinations such as the Oaxaca Coast, the Lacandon Jungle and the Neovolcanic Axis, among others.

The design of this instrument was led by Alterna's partners, recognized as Ashoka Fellows and organizers of the Latin American Impact Investment Forum in Central America. Ethel Arias, from La Mano del Mono, coordinated the alignment process between the measurement needs of the Market Ready Model.

Impact Evaluation of the Market Ready Model

Twenty companies participated in this exercise, providing valuable data through a series of questions related to various categories, allowing us to establish a baseline for the impact assessment.

Main Findings and Reflections

The results yielded relevant information on several key aspects:

  • Business Status: 85% of the companies assessed were found to be currently in operation, which is a positive indicator of business activity in the region, despite the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, 45% of these companies have a track record of more than 5 years, suggesting remarkable stability in the sector.
  • Growth and Sustainability: 18% of the companies have successfully established themselves in the market, overcoming initial challenges, while 24% have reached their financial break-even point. These data demonstrate significant progress towards the economic sustainability of these companies.
  • Business Legality: It was observed that only 16% of the companies do not have an established legal framework, which highlights the importance of having an adequate legal framework to ensure the safety and protection of both business owners and their customers and suppliers.
  • Business Innovation: Several innovations implemented by the companies during the Sustainable Destination Cultivation and Market Ready process were identified, including the transition to digital business models, the incorporation of new sales channels and the diversification of tourism services and products.
  • Economic Growth: The companies assessed achieved a 16% increase in total sales in 2022 compared to the previous year, reflecting solid growth in business performance. In addition, median sales increased by 59%, indicating steady progress in revenue growth.

Conclusions and Acknowledgments

These results show the positive impact of the Market Ready Model on the economic development and sustainability of tourism businesses in the region. Each enterprise represents a story of effort, perseverance and success, and contributes to the economic growth and well-being of local communities.

We thank the GIZ and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for their support in promoting Sustainable Destination Crops and Market Ready, as well as all the participating companies for their collaboration in the impact measurement study.

This exercise not only provided valuable data, but was also an opportunity for learning and reflection. The insights gained will help us improve future impact assessments and align our actions to achieve even greater impact through the Market Ready Model.

Writing and Style: Viviana Vásquez, Communication Leader, and Carlos Aguilar, Lead Facilitator.