Enterprises of the Oaxaca - Chiapas Coast unite to "cultivate their destiny" in a sustainable way.

BlogMarket Ready Model Equipment ' Enterprises of the Oaxaca - Chiapas Coast unite to "cultivate their destiny" in a sustainable way.

With the slogan "without nature there is no tourism", 10 tourism enterprises along the extensive Chiapas-Oaxaca coastal corridor are working together to preserve and regenerate the biocultural diversity of their territories.

The GEF Sustainable Landscapes Projectpromoted by CONANP (National Commission of Natural Protected Areas) and Conservation International Mexico, brought together in 2021 the social enterprises of the region that showed ecotourism vocation and environmental commitment.

With the intention of facilitating the conditions for companies to revalue their heritage and recognize themselves as key players in the evolution of the destination, La Mano del Mono joined the project.

In this context, and using the Market Ready Model as an anchor methodology, we were able to stimulate and strengthen entrepreneurs' existing capabilities, facilitate access to key resources, create a learning community among them, and connect them with specialized markets.

Thus, the process succeeded in linking and professionalizing 26 entrepreneurs and 7 destination managers, where women represented 43%. This professional and personal exchange, which exceeded 300 face-to-face hours, made it possible to collaboratively design 22 innovative prototypes of tourism experiences.


These prototypes, after being tested in the field and backed up with photographic material, were validated with 30 commercial partners. Through Komú, 9 to 12 meetings were scheduled and arranged for each venture, resulting in a total of 113 validation appointments.

The meetings between allies (local operators, destination hoteliers, international and national agencies, digital platforms, etc.) and companies triggered various constructive criticisms, but also made it possible to establish solid collaboration agreements. So far, four fam trips and two commercial commitments have been made.

Something very important to mention is that all the co-designed experiences include sustainability practices, are located in natural protected areas (or voluntarily destined for conservation) and focus their actions in favor of the conservation of one or more priority species for the GEF project.

Raising awareness and empowering local entrepreneurs, strengthening intersectoral alliances and connecting ecotourism experiences with markets aligned with sustainability has proven to be a solid way to cultivate destinations. It also gives us the possibility of seeing the light, not only at the end of the tunnel, but also in the faces of all of us who share in the process.

Collaboration of Alejo Heymo
Agricultural Engineer. Master in Sustainable Tourism
Operations and Innovation Coordinator at The Monkey's Hand

Testimonial Mariano - Yoo Nashi

Mariano Holguin, Yoo'Nashi, Oaxaca-Chiapas Coastal Enterprise Farming

Testimonial Hector - Huatulco Salvaje

Hector, Huatulco Salvaje. Cultivation of Emprendiemientos Oaxaca-Chiapas Coast.

Compilation of 4 voices + images of the process:

Testimonials from companies participating in the Cultivation of Sustainable Destinations and Market Ready, Oaxaca-Chiapas Coast 2022